Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seeing Green

Most people are talking about envy when they mention seeing green but not me, not today.

My husband had his unemployment hearing and he did so well.  He won his hearing and he has received his backpay from all the months that he waited for the right thing to be done.  I am so proud of him and he really showed an important lesson to our kids.  When someone treats you wrong, you don't just sit there and take it.  You need to fight for what is right.  Persevearance does pay off. 

So, I am feeling less stressed about the whole thing and we can put this behind us and look forward.  He can now look for a job knowing that he can still bring in some money while looking.  He is not going to just sit and collect.  He is not that type of person.

Things are good.  God is good.  He answered my prayers and I couldn't be more grateful. 

Also, speaking of green....I did our federal taxes already and will be doing our state and local taxes soon.  I love tax season and not because we usually get money back.  I love crunching numbers and working the process.  I wish I would have gone to school for this instead of what I did.  Boo!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


My husband has been out of work since September and hasn't been able to collect unemployment compensation because of a dispute about the circumstances of his job ending.  I don't want to go into it on here but  it has been beyond frustrating.

We went to a hearing that he had to determine if he would receive the benefits only to find out that the referee in the case had called off and the hearing has been postponed.  Ugh.  This is so aggravating and I am so super stressed.  Unfortunately, for me, that stress has caused really terrible acne.  I have been getting more and more bumps.  I am not calling these pimples or zits because they are huge and very painful. 

I am hoping for the best as far as an outcome of the hearing.  I am also hoping that I can get a little relief from the stress so that my skin can begin to clear up.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals and Hopes

The past year has been both great and trying for us.  We have had a lot of really great times and I am so thankful for so many blessings in the last year.  We have also had some not so great things happen and I guess we have to just move forward and learn from those things or just mark them down as a wash. Move on!

Some highlights from 2011:
     *spent a ton of time with our family and friends.  Our friendships have grown to be more than friendships, they are family to us.  We cherish them and love them more than we can say.

     *a great vacation to the Outer Banks in June.  We went with our friends and had a blast!  So much so that we are going again this coming June!

     *my kids continue to be great kids.  They are kind, caring and fun.  They are respectful and willing to help anyone out (for the most part....they are kids!)

     *I did better with my Scentsy business in 2011 and I am so grateful for that. 

     *Chuck and I perseveared through some rough spots, not in our marriage but in life.  We always know that we can get through anything together.  This past year some parts really tested our faith and patience. 

     *Friends had babies, bought homes, announced pregnancies and marriages.  What isn't there to love about those things?!

Okay, on to my goals.  I like to keep it simple because let's face it, a lot of these things tend to not come to fruitation and I hate disappointment! I won't sit and cry if I don't acheive these things.  Okay, some I might cry but I will eventually get over it.

1.  Start exercising more and eat healthier.  I know everyone says this but I will do this, I have to.  I'm currently at my highest weight and I want it all to go down from here.

2.  Build my business more and find some team members who want to enjoy this company as much as I do. 

3.  Enjoy my family and friends more.  I work full time and I swear I am so tired all the time so I want to remember in the coming year that I need to enjoy life more and take the time to spend with them all rather than napping.

4.  Directly related to #3, quit working full time.  I will be doing this for sure but I put it down because it is a goal. I will be working but I have no idea what I will be doing.  Whether I work part time when my schedule allows or I do something I create.  I will be home more and available to my kids.  Point blank, done.

5.  Run a 5K.  I know I can do this.  I plan on starting to run while at the gym and I will be running a 5K with my son in May.  I will, oh yes, I will. 

6.  Enjoy a beach vacation with family and friends.  The house is booked, we are ready (it is 5 months, 8 days away but who's counting?!) and I am so excited.  It is a different group going this year so I hope to enjoy it as much as I did the last one.  This will be my family's first vacation together and I know that we will love the time away.  Hoping for no drama though!

What are your goals?  I hate the word resolutions so I say goals but really aren't they the same thing?  Okay, 2012, let's rock this year!!

Happy New Year!

Wow, time has been flying by so quickly and I cannot believe that we are now into 2012.  Hope you enjoyed your evening last night.  We did.  We went to a friend's house where I made friends with a baby girl that I wanted to take home.....her parents said no. :(

I was carrying around that little girl and she peed through her diaper and I ended up soaked in pee....through the three shirts I was wearing and my jeans.  Awesome!  By the end of the night, I could smell myself, it was gross. 

Chuck was playing DJ all night, as usual.  He is comfortable in that spot.  He had dreams to be a DJ and I'm not exactly counting him out in that adventure either!  He is really good and I don't think I am saying that because I'm married to him.  Everyone at the party raved about his skills and how he made the music just flow. 

We had a few drinks, watched the ball drop with friends we consider family, did our champagne toast, kisses all around and then came home.  I immediately went to bed because I was exhausted! 

My pork roast and sauerkraut are already in the crockpot simmering away for later today and we'll be eating a good luck pretzel for breakfast! 

I'm enjoying the quiet of the morning as everyone else is still asleep. 

I am going to do another post on my goals for this new year but wanted to take the time to say Happy New Year!  May God continue to bless all of you and may we all have a better year than the last....even if 2011 was the best year you've ever had!